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Erika Magyarosi

Christophstr. 18

72072 Tübingen

What is Speed Reading?

......and why should you be interested?

Have you ever stood in front of a huge stack of books and thought, "How on earth am I going to read all of this?" You're not alone. For book lovers and professionals alike, the reading list can feel like a mountain that keeps growing. But what if I told you there's a way to climb that mountain faster than you ever thought possible?


Welcome to Speed Reading.


But what exactly is Speed Reading? Is it just a fad, or can it really change the way you absorb information? Let's dive deeper.


Speed Reading: The Basics


Speed Reading is essentially what it sounds like: reading quickly. But it’s not just about skimming through pages. True speed readers absorb information much faster while still understanding it.


Most of us read at a pace of about 150-300 words per minute (WPM), roughly the speed at which we speak. With Speed Reading techniques, we can double, triple, or even quadruple that speed. Imagine reading your favorite book in a fraction of the time it usually takes! Tempting, right?


A Brief History of Speed Reading


You might be surprised to hear that Speed Reading isn't a new phenomenon. The concept has been around for some time, but it became truly popular in the mid-20th century.


One of the earliest roots of Speed Reading goes back to World War II. Pilots were trained to quickly identify enemy aircraft by being shown images at increasingly shorter intervals. This training enhanced their ability to recognize and process visual information more quickly. The idea was simple: The faster you can process what you see, the faster you can react—a crucial skill in life-threatening situations.

 Building on this, American educator Evelyn Wood popularized Speed Reading in the 1950s. Legend has it that Wood discovered Speed Reading by accident. As she tried to read through a particularly dense text, she noticed she could read faster when she ran her hand across the page. This observation led to the development of a method known as "Reading Dynamics," which centered around using a hand or finger as a reading aid—a key technique in modern Speed Reading.

Wood's method gained significant attention, especially after reports that President John F. Kennedy used Speed Reading to manage the massive amounts of information he had to digest daily. In the 1960s, Speed Reading courses popped up across the U.S., and people were excited to increase their reading speed.


Since then, Speed Reading has evolved, incorporating insights from psychology and cognitive sciences to refine and make techniques more effective. The digital age has further fueled interest in Speed Reading, as the amount of information we need to process continues to grow.


How Does Speed Reading Work?


Okay, that sounds cool, but how does it actually work? The core of Speed Reading lies in a few key techniques:


Reducing Subvocalization: This is the technical term for the voice in your head that reads each word aloud as you read. It’s comforting, sure, but it also slows you down. Speed Readers train to minimize this inner voice, allowing them to process text faster.


As Hegel once said: ‘To read the text is to understand its spirit’,suggesting that reading is not just a mechanical act, but a philosophical exercise to grasp the essence of the content. By reducing subvocalisation, speed readers aim to engage directly with meaning and bypass the slower, word-by-word vocalisation.


Using Visual Reading Aids: Remember when your teacher told you not to use your finger to follow along while reading? Well, they were wrong. (Oops!) Using your finger, a pen, or even just your eyes as a guide helps you focus and read faster.


Interval-Training: Just as your brain adjusts to higher speeds on the highway, it can adapt to faster reading speeds. Interval training means pushing your reading pace beyond your comfort zone for short bursts, then returning to a manageable pace. For example, you might read at double speed for a few minutes, then slow down to process what you've read. Over time, this trains your brain to process information faster.


The World Record in Speed Reading


While many people achieve impressive reading speeds, the current Guinness World Record for Speed Reading is held by Howard Berg, who claims to read more than 25,000 words per minute . Although the accuracy of such speeds is often debated, Berg's achievements have earned him recognition as the world's fastest reader. His abilities showcase the incredible potential of human cognition when properly trained and utilized.


Why Should You Care About Speed Reading?

You might be wondering: "Why should I care about Speed Reading? I read just fine at my own pace." Well, here's the thing—Speed Reading isn't just about speed. It's about efficiency, productivity, and yes, even enjoyment.


Save Time: Imagine reading your work reports, emails, or those dense academic papers in half the time. It’s like having extra hours in your day!


Expand Your Knowledge: The faster you read, the more you can read. And the more you read, the more you know. It's as simple as that. Or as Hegel would say, "The truth is the whole," meaning that by accumulating knowledge, you get closer to a complete understanding of the world.


Stay Ahead: In our fast-paced world, it's crucial to stay on top of the latest trends, research, and developments. Speed Reading gives you that edge.



Is Speed Reading Right for You?


Let’s be honest—Speed Reading isn’t for everyone, or at least not in every situation. If you’re aiming for deep comprehension or want to savor every word of a beautifully written novel, slower reading might be better.

But if you need to power through information-heavy texts or quickly broaden your knowledge? Then Speed Reading could become your new best friend.



How to Get Started


Ready to give Speed Reading a try? Here’s how to start:


Practice Mindfully:Begin with texts you’re familiar with—newspaper articles, blogs (like this one!), or even your emails. Gradually work your way up to more challenging material.


Use a Timer: Track your reading speed to see your progress. It’s motivating to watch your WPM (words per minute) increase!


Take Breaks: Speed Reading is a mental workout. Give your brain regular breaks to maintain your focus.

Stay Consistent: Like any skill, Speed Reading improves with practice. Dedicate a little time each day to training your eyes and brain.


Join My Speed Reading Course: Ready to take your reading skills to the next level? My Speed Reading course is starting soon! You can also book me for workshops at your organization or for one-on-one coaching. Let’s unlock your full reading potential together!



How Well Do You Retain What You Read? Sustainability vs. Speed


A common question about Speed Reading is: "How well do you retain what you read? Is it as sustainable as slow reading?" This concern is understandable, but Speed Reading is more than just fast reading—it’s an integral part of a comprehensive training that aims to increase reading speed without compromising comprehension.

The goal of Speed Reading training is to boost your reading speed while maintaining, or even enhancing, your understanding of the material. After the training, you’ll naturally read faster. This means that the amount of information you retain doesn’t decrease—in fact, it often increases. Why? Because you’re not only reading faster, but also with greater focus. You learn to read like a pro—with the clear goal of combining efficiency and the joy of reading. Over time, you become a professional reader who combines the best of both worlds: speed and a "happy brain." This concept is based on the idea that Speed Reading is not just a technical skill, but also promotes mental clarity and well-being by using your brain effectively and efficiently. As a result, reading becomes not only faster but also more sustainable and fulfilling.


Final Thoughts


Speed Reading isn’t just a cool party trick; it’s a skill that can change the way you interact with the world of words. Whether you're trying to stay ahead in your career, keep up with current events, or simply manage that growing pile of books—Speed Reading can give you the tools to do it faster and maybe even better.


So, what do you think? Are you ready to turn that mountain of books into a molehill?




  • Evelyn

    August 21, 2024

    Vielen Dank für diese informative Einführung und Speed Reading!

  • August 22, 2024

    Liebe Erika,
    Vielen Dank für diese interessante Einführung ins Speed Reading! Ich muss zugeben, dass ich mich mit dem Thema bisher noch nicht beschäftigt habe. Für mich selbst habe ich das Problem mit dem Zeitmangel beim Lesen durch Hörbücher gelöst, die ich mir bei allen möglichen langweiligen Hausarbeiten „reinziehen“ kann. Mit Fachliteratur klappt das allerdings nicht – da möchte ich wirklich lieber selbst lesen, um Wichtiges markieren zu können etc. Dafür wäre Speed Reading eine super Lösung. Ich werde weiter auf deiner Website stöbern.

    Liebe Grüße,


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