Selection of my clients
Welcome to "Impetus. For Happy Brains"! Impetus is the decisive drive you need to develop your skills and be successful.
I have been working as a certified trainer, lecturer and coach since 2009. I help you use Impetus as a tool to create a “Happy Brain“ – a state in which you get the best out of yourself and achieve your goals.
In my seminars or through my coaching, you will learn how to enhance your abilities and make the right decisions to turn blockages into successes. With a "Happy Brain“ everything can be learned.
Ready to realize your full potential and achieve your goals? Then you are at “Impetus. For Happy Brains” exactly right.
I look forward to getting to know you and accompanying you on your journey.
Your Erika Magyarosi
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Seminars and online seminars
Presence seminars
1031Presence seminars
1002Online seminars
401Online seminars
362Happy participants and coachees
11896Happy participants and coachees
11402First-hand success stories: customer testimonials
Erfolgs- geschichten aus erster Hand: Kundenstimmen
First-hand success stories: customer testimonials
Sie hat es geschafft, jeden zu begeistern
Erika Magyarosi is a great lecturer, whether on the subject of time management, memory training or personal work and leadership techniques. She knows how to make every single seminar a personal experience! She has taught my team and me a lot over the past few years and has managed to inspire everyone. Thank you for that! We look forward to many more exciting training courses with her.
Angelika Garthe
Head of the city of RottenburgPositive, open and proactive nature
I met Erika through a seminar and was immediately impressed by her positive, open and proactive nature, which led to several heureka moments for me. In the months that followed, Erika accompanied me from my studies to my first job and we even worked together now. Thank you for the motivating support and the great collaboration!
Dr. Alexander Lammers
alexander-lammers.comMy degree was on the brink
I met Erika Magyarosi as part of her stress management seminar at the university. At this point, my studies were in jeopardy because I was overwhelmed by all aspects of life. Erika is a mentor that I needed the most at this time! Her authenticity and her perspective turned my thinking on its head. Your methods still help me today. Thank you, Erika!
Theresa Linhard
District consultant for horticulture and land conservationEines der besten Seminare meines Studiums
Das Seminar „Professionell kommunizieren in Teams“ bei Erika Magyarosi, bei dem ich kurzfristig nachrutschen konnte: ein wirklich tolles Seminar, eines meiner besten im ganzen Studium!
Master's student at the University of TübingenSoft skills and coaching in career planning
Erika's experience, knowledge of human nature and attention to detail have been invaluable in helping me to develop a keen awareness of my public image, skills and ambitions. With the combination of seminars on soft skills and coaching in career planning, she taught me how to develop myself in a purposeful and self-reflective way without doubting my goals.
Nadja Mozdzen
IT project assistant and doctoral student at the University of TübingenExceeded my expectations
Das Zeitmanagement Seminar hat meine Erwartungen bei weitem übertroffen und mir persönlich sehr viel weitergeholfen. Du bist eine sehr motivierende und inspirierende Person für mich! Mein Interesse ist auf jeden Fall geweckt und ich werde nach diesem Seminar bestimmt noch weitere von dir besuchen.
Maria W.
Master's student, University of HohenheimBlog Posts
Die Kunst des Loslassens
Die Kunst des Loslassens: Wie ich inmitten von Chaos Klarheit fand Hast du jemals das Gefühl gehabt, dass dir im Job plötzlich der Boden unter den Füßen weggezogen wird? Genau
What is Speed Reading?
Speed Reading ist eine Technik, mit der man Texte schneller liest, ohne das Verständnis zu verlieren. Durch Methoden wie die Reduzierung der inneren Stimme und gezielte Lesepausen
47 fun facts about me
1. Ich heiße Magyarosi, was „ungarisch“ bedeutet, obwohl ich in Rumänien geboren wurde. Macht historisch Sinn. 2. Ich kam in […]