
Let's Work Together


Erika Magyarosi

Christophstr. 18

72072 Tübingen

Certified trainer, keynote
Speakers and
Coach for Happy Brains

Trainer, keynote speaker
and coach
for Happy Brains

Hallo, ich bin Erika Magyarosi! Meine Leidenschaft ist es, Führungskräften, ArbeitnehmerInnen, DoktorandInnen, Studierenden und Wissbegierigen zu zeigen, wie sie ihre Ziele selbstbewusst, entspannt, glücklich und souverän erreichen können. Lass uns gemeinsam die Lücke schließen zwischen dem, wo du bist, und dem, wo du sein willst - beruflich und persönlich!

Dipl.-Phil. Erika Magyarosi MA

Short CV for those in a hurry

Personal profile

DOB: 19/06/1980

Studies: Philosophy (Univ. Babes Bolyai, Cluj) and Sociology (Univ. Tübingen)

Christrophstr. 18, 72072 Tübingen

(+49) 07071 1472479

(+49) 0176 83229240

Born and raised in Romania in 1980; first educational steps in Hungarian; the first revolution of our own: swapping the tennis racket for the badminton racket; Committed to thinking and logic when studying philosophy.

2001 - learned to love the country of poets and thinkers - hello Germany; put down roots; made German the third “mother tongue”; learned to understand society and Swabian while studying sociology in Tübingen; As a PR speaker, she internalized the effect of good communication.

Imparting knowledge as a certified trainer and coach since 2009: for managers, employees, doctoral candidates, students and those curious.

Trainer, keynote speaker
and coach
for Happy Brains

My passion is to show managers, employees, doctoral candidates, students and those curious about how to achieve their goals with self-confidence, relaxation, happiness and sovereignty. Let's close the gap together between where you are right now and where you want to be professionally and personally!

My expertise

Short CV for those in a hurry

Personal profile

DOB: 19/06/1980

Studies: Philosophy (Univ. Babes Bolyai, Cluj) and Sociology (Univ. Tübingen)

Christrophstr. 18, 72072 Tübingen

+49 (0) 7071 1472479


Born and raised in Romania in 1980; first educational steps in Hungarian; the first revolution of our own: swapping the tennis racket for the badminton racket; Committed to thinking and logic when studying philosophy.

2001 - learned to love the country of poets and thinkers - hello Germany; put down roots; made German the third “mother tongue”; learned to understand society and Swabian while studying sociology in Tübingen; As a PR speaker, she internalized the effect of good communication.

Imparting knowledge as a trainer and coach since 2009: for managers, employees, doctoral candidates, students and those curious.

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